Sunday, November 19, 2006

Where can a dog pee

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There is a situation on my street that has been escalating over the past six months, and is about to escalate again. I would sincerely appreciate any advise that anyone in the community can give in order to bring the situation to a holt.

There is public green space at the end of my street that everyone, including myself uses as a dog poo park. There are occasions when my dogs cannot make it all the way to the end to the end of the street to the park, and they consequently pee or poo on the edge of someone's yard. This edge is a stretch of grass in between a hedge row and the street.The poo is always picked up. The pee, well, there's not much you can do about picking that up.

The problem I am having is with two neighbors that take exception to where the dogs pee on the way to the park. It is not on either one of them's property. Whenever these two see the dogs releave themselves, they yell and try to intimidate and bully the person walking them. (This would be a five foot woman or a 12 year old boy that they are yelling at as a rule). Without trying to make this political, the bullies always do their yelling in French, while they know that the people they are yelling at are English.

They yell, the 12 year old gets afraid, and tells his father, who goes and has words with the Bully, who then yells at the mother, who has words with the Bully and tells her husband, who goes and has words with the Bully. Then the bullies band together and submit lies as complaints to the city, and on and on it goes.....can anyone tell me how to stop this nonsence before it really gets out of hand?

It has to be noted that while these two Bullies have an issue with where dogs go pee, they do not have a problem with driving on the lawns of their neighbors. One of them was actually seen doing this very thing the day of the most recent bullying incident.

Please, good people, advise me as to what I am doing wrong here. Are dogs not allowed to go pee?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I do not know who Seargantstar is, I will let you know what I have done, and you can pass it on to him/her if you see fit

I have built a clear plexiglass (acrylic) box, big enough to fit my dog. I have installed 4 wheels at the bottom for easy pulling. In the winter, I replace the wheels with 2 rudders I have made of some old skis. Inside the box I have installed a rotating wheel much like you would see in a hampster's cage... This has 2 benefits..1) the dog thinks he is going for a walk, and 2) the dog gets his exercise. Be sure to raise the wheel a few inches from the bottom of the box so that when doggie does his business there is enough clearance between the wheel and the bottom, otherwise doggies's paw paws might get soiled.. ....At the bottom of the box , I have installed a trap door..What I usually do, is at night, I release the trap door and all of the daily collection on my least favourite neighbor's lawn..He is usually the one with the fleur de Lys hanging yearround........... Hope this helps someone

If you really love your pet as I do (he is afterall a member of your family)... I sometimes stick dog pictures on both sides of the box, to make him think he is walking with other dogs....Also, after a vet visit, if he has been told he has to drop a few pounds, I stick a cat picture on the front of the box, and you should see that wheel turn at warp speed, and with amazing results....

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


am still laughing


wonder if he makes these thing for sale?


8:44 AM  
Blogger Pledius said...

I wonder if you could put a little plow on the front of the box.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Pledius said...


12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous designer,

As you see, we have two dogs. Would you reocmmend a train design or a double-wide in this situation?

PS Thanks for giving us something to laugh about!

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Bonnie
Although both very good ideas, not very practical and can even destroy puppies confidence..With the train design, the dog in the back always feels he is trailing the dog in the front and as we both know,will never catch him no matter how fast he tries to spin that wheel..You also run the risk of pissing off the owners of IGA for keeping the doors open too long in the winter..That extra length can mean seconds longer before the magic eye doors can automatically shut.
Double-wide, double-trouble ...Angry motorists will be cursing you when they are constantly swerving to avoid your walker..Those honking horns will make your companions two nervous nellies...If you try and stay to the side of the road, one dog will always be on somebody's lawn....More frustration for you
The solution is the double-decker....Very practical, and a real confidence booster..The dog on the upper deck gets the feeling he is taller than he really is, and will always feel like he is king of the hill. He also will feel like he is alone on his walk, and will not have to share his master's affections like he has to at home..Just be sure to alternate who gets the loge, to keep both puppies at maximum satisfaction..There are two very important modifications that have to be made as compared to the single unit....The wheels at the bottom have to be a little smaller..I found this out the hard way..The fire department had to be called when I got stuck under the train bridge on Oka road....Very embarrassing.... The other modification is you have to make a chute that runs to the bottom of the lower unit for when doggie does his business..I like to refer to this as chuting the shit....
Good luck!!!

8:13 PM  

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